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Global Capabilities Framework sets standard for PR skills

The Global Alliance has published a capability framework for public relations. It results from a two year project led by Professor Anne Gregory and Dr Johanna Fawkes at the University of Huddersfield in the UK.

It's an incredibly useful piece of work that enables employers to understand their team’s existing strengths and identify where training resources need to be committed. Meanwhile educators can use the framework as the basis for curriculum development and review.

An online assessment tool has been developed for use by individual practitioners, team leaders and employers. It is designed to encourage professionals to identify the capabilities they would like to develop and access resources to assist in these goals.

The University of Huddersfield is developing this software and its use is being negotiated for the Global Alliance - affiliated bodies and, if appropriate, with adaptations, by commissioning employers.

The framework takes a high-level view of what practitioners can deliver:

Communication Capabilities

1. To align communication strategies with organisational purpose and values
2. To identify and address communication problems proactively
3. To conduct formative and evaluative research to underpin communication strategies and tactics
4. To communicate effectively across a full range of platforms and technologies

Organisational Capabilities

5. To facilitate relationships and build trust with internal and external stakeholders and communities
6. To build and enhance organisational reputation
7. To provide contextual intelligence

Professional Capabilities (those expected of any professional)

8. To provide valued counsel and be a trusted advisor
9. To offer organisational leadership
10. To work within an ethical framework on behalf of the organisation, in line with professional and societal expectations
11. To develop self and others, including continuing professional learning

The Framework is the result of a two-year research project led by the University of Huddersfield, with partners in eight countries across six continents.

Each country has its own framework and inspection reveals some variation between nations regarding the capabilities of the profession. You can download the complete capability framework and individual frameworks from the University of Huddersfield (opens as a PDF)

The project asked practitioners, educators and employers in each country what they thought public relations is capable of, and how it can best fulfil its potential. 

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