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Call for submissions for AI #PRstack tool guide

We’re revisiting #PRstack to create a guide to AI tools in public relations. The guide, published by the #FuturePRoof community, aims to make sense of AI tools and address the practitioner knowledge gap.

There has been an explosion of tools based on large language models since the launch of ChatGPT by OpenAI in November last year.

New products are added to databases such as Chiefmartec and Future Tools, and launched daily on ProductHunt, each promising to disrupt workflow and help practitioners work more efficiently.

Vendors are driving the conversation around AI tools. The energy has yet to be matched by dialogue among the practitioner community about the best way to incorporate tools into the workflow.

It’s an unhealthy situation.

The #FuturePRoof community aims to readdress the balance. It is launching a crowdsourced AI #PRstack guide to the public relations market. Its goal is to describe applying various AI tools to help widen understanding and improve ethical adoption.

We are inviting practitioners to submit articles which describe their favourite AI tool. This is expected to include the tool's scope and an example application.

This is a not-for-profit community project to promote best practice and knowledge of AI tools in public relations.

An outline of each article is set out below.

  • An overview of the tool

  • The problem that the tool addresses

  • How the tool addresses the problem

  • How the tool fits into public relations workflow

  • Vendor, URL, cost

  • Short author biography and LinkedIn details

We’d welcome articles about tools across various applications, from large language models to content creation and from media monitoring and measurement to planning. Each submission should be 500-600 words and include up to five screen grabs.

Andrew Bruce Smith, chair, CIPR AIinPR panel and one of the leading advocates on AI in public relations, has already signed up to support the project.

The new #PRstack guide will be edited by Stephen Waddington and published via Amazon in Kindle and print formats. A digital version of each article will be published on the #FuturePRoof blog.

We aim to complete this project quickly to reflect the pace at which the market is moving.

Pitches are invited during the remainder of August, with text and images submitted by the end of September for publication before the end of October. If you’d like to submit a pitch, you can do so via this form or email stephen.waddington@wadds.co.uk.

#FuturePRoof is a community founded by Sarah Waddington CBE, which aims to promote the role of public relations as a management discipline. It has published six books since 2015, five crowdsourced.

#PRstack is a community developed by Frederik Vincx and Stephen Waddington. It has been inactive since 2015 but previously published two guides to tools in public relations.