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Sharing ideas: old books seek new home

We’re having a recycling purge at home. The books listed below are all heading for Barter Books in Alnwick, Northumberland, unless you speak up and say you’d like one or two (the titles marked with strikethrough have been claimed).

88 The Narrow Road, Felix Dennis A Twitter year, Kate Bussmann Adventures on the high teas, Stuart Maconie Antifragile, Nassim Nicholas Taleb Brilliant networking, Steven D’Souza Brilliant pitch, Shaun Varga Cold calling for chickens, Bob Etherington Dot complicated, Randi Zuckerberg Engage, Brian Solis Freesourcing, Jonathan Yates How to have kick-ass ideas, Chris Barez-Brown Likeonomics, Rohit Bhargava Never Seconds, Martha and David Payne Obliquity, John Kay Pitching to win, David Kean Predictably irrational, Dan Ariely Sales on a beermat, Mike Southern and Chris West The lean start-up, Eric Ries The new community rules, Tamar Weinberg The secrets of success in selling, Nicola Cook The sketchnote handbook, Mike Rohde They f*** you up: How to survive family life, Oliver James Visual meeting, David Sibbett

If so please drop me an email or leave a comment below and I’ll figure out the best way to get them to you.

I don’t expect anything in return. I’m incredibly lucky, I get sent lots of books to review. I simply ask that you recommend and share authors and titles that you enjoy.

We live in an ideas economy.

[Update 28 May 2014: Thanks for your interest. I've despatched the remainder of the books to Barter Books]