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Google+ for public relations

Here’s the slidedeck that I ran through at a CIPR North-East Google+ session in Newcastle this morning. During the session we explored how Google has changed its search algorithm over the last 18-months coupled with the launch of Google+ and Author Rank giving the public relations industry the opportunity to regain the ground that it has lost to search marketing in the last decade.

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Google+ isn’t just another social network. It’s an influencer and identification system that lies at the heart of incremental changes to the Google algorithm over the last 18-months. It enables organisations to promote their content through the expertise and networks of their spokespeople and domain experts.

Author Rank marks-up content in search results with an image of its author. It is intended to reduce spam results and promote authoritative content. The early signs are that this improves click rates. It’s human nature that we’re more likely to click on content from a real person, particularly if they are are a trusted source.

We also discussed the potential of Google Hangouts as a means of direct audience engagement and Google+ Communities to engage with an audience around a topic or issue.

During the Q&A several people asked how you link content from a branded web site or a blog to Google+ using Author Rank. You either need to hard code or use a plug-in for your Content Management System (CMS). For example, if you’re a Wordpress user I’d recommend Author Sure.

If you’re new to Google+ here are some helpful resources to get you started.