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Video: Energy UK CEO on PR for stakeholder engagement, social media and crisis

The CIPR has made a concerted effort to engage with business this year. Its latest #PRpays campaign seeks out bosses directly.

The CIPR has forged relationships with the Federation of Small Business and the Confederation of Business Industry in the past six months in a bid to assert the value of public relations.

A #PRpays campaign aims to highlight the strategic value of public relations to the business community. It champions the benefits of PR through a series of exclusive video interviews and podcasts with senior business leaders.

In the second interview Koray Camgoz speaks to Lawrence Slade, CEO, Energy UK, the trade association representing the electricity and gas sectors.

Energy UK membership covers more than 90% of both UK power generation and the energy supply market for UK homes.

“We're one of the sectors that touches every household in the country and every business in the country so being able to understand and communicate effectively with stakeholders right the way across the country is absolutely vital,” said Slade.

“The rollout of smart meters is an example of our need to engage with multiple stakeholders: government, our members and consumers. It's an energy suppliers’ responsibility to do the rollout but it's a national program so we've got to work with multiple bodies right the way across the country.

“I don't think any chief executive looks forward to the Sunday afternoon phone call about a breaking issue. An effective public relations team on your staff will remove the shock factor. It's something for which you’ll scenario plan and be prepared.

“Our biggest challenge over the last few years has been the growth of social media. A story can suddenly get a life of its own. There’s a danger of a bubble, but the speed of response and how you manage it has afforded a greater level of responsibility to public relations professionals.”