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Blogging is alive and well

Many bloggers run lucrative media operations that rival traditional media.

600 bloggers gathered at the Brewery in the City of London last night for the annual Vuelio Blog Awards.

Blogging is alive and well. It's an uplifting and vibrant community. People help each other out. New talent is embraced and nurtured.

We let bloggers into our lives via our mobile phones, tablets and PCs. We know and trust many of them as friends through their writing and interactions on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.

Building a blog and a community

Blogging and other forms of social media democratise media. The cost of entry is almost zero.

Bloggers share their passion and knowledge for a topic. The opportunity is build a community around content.

The motivation is different to traditional media. Bloggers typically research and write stories on their own terms rather than following an editorial agenda.

There's a long tail between the leading blogs in a category and new entrants but closing the gap isn't beyond the means of anyone. My blog saw a significant step change when I started working with an editor.

Many of the bloggers that were shortlisted by  Vuelio this year, run media operations that rival traditional media and are almost certainly more profitable.

An elite such as In The Frow, which won Best UK Fashion blogger, attract celebrity status.

In the last five years blogging has diversified. It was a point made by Vuelio CEO Joanna Arnold.

Advertising, affiliate marketing, sponsored posts, consulting and brand partnerships are typical income streams.

The latter is a lucrative business for high profile bloggers in categories such as beauty, fashion, health and travel.

Mainstream media has spotted the opportunity. In the Best UK Traditional Media Blog, FT Alphaville competed with The Guardian Books blog and The Staggers. The Guardian won.

It's a two way street. Bloggers are frequently called on to comment in mainstream media.

Paul Staines, author of Guido Fawkes, won Best UK Political Blog for the second year. He’s a frequent contributor to analysis and news programmes in mainstream media.

Blogging benefits

I blog as means of learning, building a network, and generating business. In four years this modest site about a relatively niche business-to-business sector has attracted 12,000 to 15,000 unique readers per month.

It takes effort but it constantly pays back.

Thanks you to Vuelio for the opportunity to celebrate the thriving UK blogging scene. A full list of the shortlist and winners is available on Vuelio's website.