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Community Mental Health Half Hour

Chatelle Jeram will lead a series of four sessions in my Facebook community to explore personal mental health and wellbeing during December.

A discussion about the second lockdown in the UK led to a wide-ranging discussion in my Facebook community about mental health and wellbeing. People shared stories about anxiety, fatigue, and moodiness. It’s an open and supportive space.

My former Ketchum colleague Rod Cartwright offered to seek out support for the group to help understand why we're feeling the way we are and what we can do. It led to a conversation with Rod and Tamara Littleton, CEO, the Social Element, and the creation of something we're calling the Mental Health Half Hour.

The Mental Health Half Hour will consist of a series of four practical, drop-in half-hour sessions to explore how you can get to your ideal state of mental wellness.

Chatelle Jeram will lead the series starting Wednesday 2 December at 4pm GMT for 30 minutes. Chatelle has supported Tamara and her 400 colleagues at Social Element during 2020.

The sessions are for anyone who wants to prioritise their mental health and act to safeguard their wellbeing. We’ll cover the following topics, although the series will be responsive to people's need and so topics may change.

  • 2 December - Taking stock of your reality

  • 9 December - You know what to do...what stops you from doing it?

  • 16 December - Adapting to change

  • 23 December - Building momentum and being proactive

Rod Cartwright will share brief personal observations at the start of the first session on why this initiative is so timely and valuable

You’d all be welcome to join us. Joining details for each event have been shared as upcoming Events in my Facebook community.