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Making a Twitter Moment

Anyone can make and share a Twitter Moment. It's a great way of sharing user generated content from a community.

Twitter Moments started life as a platform for Twitter's editorial team to curate content around popular topics on the platform. 

That has changed recently and now any Twitter user can create a Moment and share it via the platform.

It's a neat way to share highlights from an event or Twitter chat. It's also useful for curating content around a topic, issue or market.

It's like the Storify social curation tool but is native to Twitter. It's also free.

Curation tools are a great way of sharing user generated content from a community.

To create a Twitter Moment, open Twitter on the web and select Moments. Hit the Create new Moment button to access the Moment editor.

#1 You’ll see options for a title, cover photo, and add Tweets to your Moment. Head to last option when you’ll find four choices: Tweets I’ve liked; Tweets by account; Tweet search; and Tweet link.

#2 Whichever search filter you use Twitter will return a stream of relevant tweets. Liking tweets that you want to add to a Moment is the easiest way to capture content. Tweets to be added to your timeline are selected by selecting the tick mark alongside each tweet.

#3 Up and down arrows allow you to alter the position on each Tweet. You can also crop images to optimise for a mobile screen.

#4 I’d recommend 8 to 15 tweets per Moment. Once you’re done, select a cover photo. You’ll be offered a choice of images from the tweets that you’ve selected.

#5 Add a headline and hit publish. You’ll be given the opportunity to crop any photos for mobile.

#6 The final option is a promotional tweet that will be published on your time. Make sure you add any relevant accounts and hashtags, so that your Moment is shared as widely as possibly.

You can share your Moment using a URL or by embedding it in a web page.

Here’s a Twitter Moment that I created for the CIPR’s 2017 Graduation Ceremony that took place last week.

Congratulations to the class of 2017 #CIPRgrad

You can also create a Twitter Moment on the Twitter app. It's ridiculously easy. Have a go for yourself.