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CIPR President’s Q1 2014 report: Focus on vision and purpose

Last year I set out ten pledges as a candidate for President of the CIPR in 2014. Members of the Institute elected me to the role and I started my term in office on 1 January. Three months in I’ve just published my first report spotlighting progress in each of the ten areas. I committed to report to the CIPR Board, Council, Groups and members, in this way at the end of each quarter.

CIPR President’s Q1 2014 report: Focus on vision and purpose from Stephen Waddington

My intention as President for 2014 is to refocus the CIPR around its vision and core purpose, as set out in our Royal Charter, as well as to shift the organisation towards being a networked, member-led Institute.

The President’s Plan based on my original 10 Election Pledges, combined with CEO Alastair McCapra’s drive and operational rigour, provide both the framework and the means of delivering these objectives.

The CIPR is unusual - like other Chartered organisations - in having its vision and purpose set out so formally in a Royal Charter. But that focus is helpful in defining our priorities.

Please use the comment box below if you have any questions about any topic raised in the report, or connect with myself (@wadds) or Alastair (@CIPR_CEO) on Twitter.

My thanks to the team at the CIPR for their commitment and hard work during this period of intense change. Thanks also to members of the Board and Council and volunteers that all contribute to the CIPR in their own time.

There’s a lot to do but we’ve made a good start.