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Happy birthday Twitter. Why do we tweet?

Twitter is eight tomorrow. Its my favourite form of social media because it is, ad products aside, truly democratic and social. In the last week or so I asked my network to share favourite moments from Twitter in recent years, and reasons for tweeting.

I should have known that the response would be enthusiastic and noisy. It included business development, connecting and conversation, job hunting, news, research and much more.

I've included a selection of the responses below. Thanks to everyone that joined in the conversation and apologies if I have omitted your response.

If you don't use Twitter there'll almost certainly be a reason that you should based on these responses. In fact you might want to print out this web page and share it with Twitter deniers.

Em Murphy-Wearmouth's tweet is one of my favourite ever.

Twitter has 200 million active users, or thereabouts. It has a market capitalisation of around $30 billion but let's not forget it has still to make a profit (net loss of $511 million Q4 2013) and continues to build an ad-funded business model.

We'll find out in the next eight years whether its successful. In the meantime happy birthday Twitter.

Your best bits

#1 Conversation

#2 Business development

#3 Job hunting

#4 Building networks

#5 Information sharing

#6 News

#7 Listening

#8 Learning and development

#9 Research

#10 Sport

#11 Brainstorming

#12 Organisational communication